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Friday, December 25, 2020

Wonderland Burlesque's The 12 Days Before Xmas - Ground Zero / The Dusty Towne Sexy Holiday Special

Wonderland Burlesque's 
The 12 Days Before Xmas - Ground Zero
The Dusty Towne Sexy Holiday Special

This is the season of giving... so why not re-gift?

This marks the end of Wonderland Burlesque's The 12 Days Before Xmas countdown. Yes, this is it. Ground zero!

I couldn't resist re-posting this SCTV Xmas Special featuring the delectable Katherine O'Hara, precocious Andrea Martin, and the-late John Candy (in a turn that is truly Divine). 

I would love to know what Rusty Warren thinks of this. (Yes, she's still with us - 89 years old!) I'm sure she loves it.

I discovered this at 
Doing Hard Time in Shaker Heights - one of my favorite blogs. Shaker Heights has an appreciation for the kind of off-kilter aesthetics I adore. The sense of humor displayed is wry and knowing, so, if you're unfamiliar, please stop in and pay the world of The Cool Cookie a visit!

And now, without further ado... 

SCTV, the pride of Canada, proudly presents:

The Dusty Towne Sexy Holiday Special

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Wishing you all the very best of the season!
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque


SickoRicko said...

Not that I mind, but the link to "Hard Time" goes to my blog. Anyway, I liked the video. Have a good day! Stay safe.

Jimmy said...

Loved Dusty, and the voice of Divine! LOLOLOL

Tomass Hawkke said...

Best to you in the year ahead, uptonking.

Thank you for your blog. Enjoyable, refreshing, informative. You put a lot into it and visiting is time well spent.