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Thursday, December 24, 2020

Wonderland Burlesque's The 12 Days Before Xmas - Day One - The Greedies

Wonderland Burlesque's 
The 12 Days Before Xmas - Day One
The Greedies

1979 is my favorite year, ever. I dunno why. It just is. Maybe it was due to it containing the last gasp of disco , the post-apex of punk and the swell of new wave that makes me remember it so fondly. One of the things that came out of that year was a short-lived supergroup of sorts called The Greedies (also known as The Greedy Bastards). Composed of Thin Lizzy's Phil Lynnott, Scott Gorham, & Brian Downey, and The Sex Pistols' Steve Jones & Paul Cook... like the fabled star in the east, they were looked upon with wonder and awe. 

Here, in the states, Thin Lizzy is primarily remembered as a one-hit wonder (the truly awesome The Boys Are Back In Town), however, they are, in fact, a truly legendary group with an iconic band leader in the form of the ill-fated Phil Lynnott. As for Jones and Cook, they had actually quit the Pistols by this point, fed up with Malcom McLaren's exploitative management and John Lydon's prima donna ways. So the holiday season saw these musicians get together for, depending on how one viewed it, either a stab at a brilliant collaboration or just another wanking cash grab. 

They made the rounds,(including an appearance on Top of the Pops) promoting A Merry Jingle - their sludge-smeared marriage of the hallmark carols, Jingle Bells and I Wish You A Merry Christmas. The intro is pure Thin Lizzy and the rest? Well, depends on your tastes, mate. It's a fun one-off... 

...which is exactly what Xmas should be!

--- ---

This completes our countdown to the big day!
Although, really - is this day one or day twelve? 
Yeah, when it comes to math... don't put me in charge. 
Happy Holidays!
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

A Merry Jingle - The Greedies


SickoRicko said...

You knowledge stupends me.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh, I love this.
The Sex Pistols were iconic but in true punk fashion, were a bunch of fuckers.
The boys are back in town is a jam.


John Going Gently said...

Have a healthy and happy and peaceful one xxxx