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Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Wonderland Burlesque's What's in the Box? Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
What's in the Box? Quiz

What's in the box? What's in the baaaaaahhhhhxxxxx?

You never know what you're going to find under that fancy festive ribbon!

At the risk of coming across like market research, I thought we'd delve into our holiday gift-giving (and receiving) habits. 

You know, they say it's always better to give, than receive... 

But... is it?

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1/ Who's on your gift list this year?

It's a short list and seems to grow shorter every year. Giving major gifts to my Mom, my ex, the boyfriend, my work wife, one niece (she visits my Mom once a week), my youngest sister and her husband and my other younger sister. So, that's seven presents.

This year, because I am working from home? Nobody else is getting anything. 

If my family was getting together for the holiday, I get everyone a little something. Last year, I gave each person a bag of my favorite trail mix and my favorite dark chocolate. This year, no one is visiting, so... no need to do that. 

2/ When do you start buying presents? Do you do Black Friday?

This year, I started in late October. 

The writing was on the wall and the news was full of stories about delays in shipping, so, one weekend, I hopped on-line and took care of business. 

I have never participated in Black Friday. It never appealed to me. People are too aggressive, as is... and I do all I can to avoid crowds. It doesn't seem like fun to me... but to each their own.

3/ Do you have a list or buy on the fly?

I used to shop on the fly. I was one of those folks who would go a few days before the holiday and just grab stuff. Last year? Lots of plush blankets to keep folks warm. A comforter for the boyfriend.  I bought two toys - one boy, one girl. There were only two wee ones at our celebration last year. The whole thing took two hours, at one store. Then, when I went grocery shopping I picked up bags of trail mix and dark chocolate. Last year we had 11 adults and two kids.

4/ Do you wrap your gifts? Are you a good wrapper?

Thank gawd for gift bags and tissue paper. 

No. I am a terrible wrapper. Well, I am a barely-competent one. I can get it done. I do not enjoy it. I am always rushed and impatient. I do like when it all works out; the paper folds well and the scotch tape is just the right amount. But it's rare. I typically just do my best and shrug. But those days are gone, thanks to gift bags. Not that I bother with them, either. Large items get a bow stuck on top. Period. 

Yeah. Not a great gift wrapper, or much of one at all. 

What you see is what you get.

5/ Cash, debit or credit? Do you save ahead of time or pay it down after the holidays? Do you have a budget?

I use my credit card constantly. For everything. I get points that way. In fact, this year, I had enough points to pay for 75% of my gifts. Everything else gets paid off every two weeks, like clockwork. That's how I have built my credit rating (which is well over 825).  

I was saving all those points for a plane ticket... but? That's not happening anytime soon, so, better to use them now. I was surprised by how many I had and how much it bought. 

Typically, I charge it all and it takes me two to three paychecks to have it paid off. 

I never overspend, so no need for a budget. A hundred bucks a head, for the major players, typically does it.

I also find that cash makes a nice gift. Yeah, it's buying happiness... but then, happiness is in short supply

This year, I took a page out of my own Mom's gift giving playbook. A recent development (it started when my Dad got so bad that he could no longer go shopping), she picks one or two things and buys the same item for everyone. One year it was Keurig coffee machines (still in the box) and espresso makers. One year it was Ninja blenders (which I adore, use daily). 

This year? From me - everybody's getting a Ninja Air Fryer. I think they are the boss and that everyone should have one.    

6/ Do you get anything for your boss? How about people who do things for you throughout the year: your postal carrier, your garbage men, the person that cuts your hair?

The ex has an organic soap company and does gift baskets - foot soak, bath salts, soap, lotion bars. The baskets are heavily decorated (his thing) and very festive. I do it to support his business, but also because it's convenient and people respond well to them. I gave a large basket to my boss last year and three small baskets to administrative assistants who support people who report up to my boss. 

This year? Naw.

We get a couple of boxes of chocolates to our garbage guys. They are super nice and we actually know them (they service all our rental properties). We used to get something for our postal person, but now they change out all the time, so it is never the same person. Instead, we take the chocolate to the actual post office (where our P.O. Box is) and give them a couple boxes.

My days of getting 'a little something' for everyone? So over. My circle is so small now. The people I give to? It's based on their impact on my life and mine on theirs.  

That circle gets smaller ever year.

7/ Best present you ever received as a child? Who was it from? Worst present you received as a child? Who was it from?

Best, as a child:
Billy Blast-Off. From Santa. Billy was a fat little astronaut. He came with several lunar vehicles, some lunar pads to drive over, a ray gun and a television set. All the items were powered by his power pack and a tiny rotating gear at the bottom of the pack. I loved that damn thing. Still do. He got smashed to pieces (older brother) and, to this day, I have kept his pieces in a box. I think someday I will go on eBay and buy a set. Should do it sooner than later, as it is difficult to find the full set and the price keeps going up.

Worst, as a child: A bag of colored blocks of wood (age inappropriate - I was too old). From Santa. It was the last present I unwrapped that year, because it was so big and heavy and I thought it would be the best gift. Learned that lesson.

8/ Best present you ever received as an adult? Who was it from? And...Worst present you ever received as an adult? Who was it from?

Best, as an adult: My youngest sister bought me a Melissa Manchester album that I was not even aware was out (For the Working Girl - 1980). She paid full price and I was in awe; that she knew who I was and that she had gone to that expense. I was only 18 then. Since that time? Buy me a pair of slippers and I am so grateful.

Worst, as an adult:
Is there such a thing as a bad present? If it's given with love and good intentions, then I appreciate it. Are they all winners? Of course not. But, regifting is always a possibility (guilty) or you can hang on to it for a year and then donate it. So, it's all good. I do wish people would stop buying little tchotchkes (especially holiday-themed ones) and unhealthy food items. It's all future landfill. 

My Mom has a terrible habit of going shopping the week after the holiday and buying up stuff at 75% off. This stuff cycles into her next year gift giving. And to be honest? I only need so many wallets, nail clipper kits, Christmas ties, etc. But, she enjoys finding the stuff and giving it... so I never say anything.

My favorite year we gave gifts as a family? We had one rule. Everything had to come from a dollar store, you had to wrap each gift and you could only buy one item for each person. That year, my Mom had a house-full - thirty people with tons of little kids. I adored it. Most holiday fun, ever.

9/ Best present you have ever given someone? Who was it? And...Worst present you have ever given someone? Who was it?

This is hard to say. The ex has gotten some big ticket items over the years. Last year he got a new couch. But it makes him really happy and that's important to me. The boyfriend is much more low key, but just as picky. 

The best, though? One year, I took my Mom out for a day that would be all about her. It was during the time that my Dad was failing (Alzheimer's). She'd been getting run down. I took her clothes shopping and helped her pick out four really sharp outfits to wear to church. Then we got her hair cut by someone who doesn't work at Cost Cutters. We went to lunch somewhere nice and had a glass of wine. It gave her a real lift and I am glad we did it. 

Worst: Nothing comes to mind. I've never intentionally given a crappy gift. Does anyone?

10/ Have you ever done 'Secret Santa'? Best gift? Weirdest gift?

My business unit used to do this every year at work. We had this huge, catered holiday party - over 200 people. And we would spend hours doing this Secret Santa thing. (Our corporate culture has changed significantly in the past ten years, and we no longer do this... at all.) 

How it works (in case you've never done it):
Everyone brings a gift. Everyone picks a number out a hat and that is the order in which you play the game. On your turn, you pick something from the gift pile, unwrap it and show it to everyone. From then on, either a person picks an unknown gift from the pile or you steal something that's been previously unwrapped. If the gift you're holding is stolen, then you get steal from someone else or choose something new from the pile. 
But you can't steal something back that has been stolen from you - at least not right away. And it goes on and on...

I always bought a new item and wrapped it. But, some people...

Best: At a potluck we had the previous Halloween, I commented on this really nice veggie knife someone brought in. For Secret Santa, she bought one and made sure I got it. Someone did steal it away, but then I had an opportunity to steal it back. I still have that knife. It is only for veggies and has never touched anything other than plant-based food.

Worst: Someone wrapped up a dead plant. Seriously. A dead, dried out plant. 

That's what I went home with.

My Grown Up Christmas Wish - Amy Grant

The Best Gift - Barbra Streisand


Bob said...

1/ Who's on your gift list this year?
We have a few gifts for close friends, my Dad, Carlos’ mom. That’s it.
I have a hard time with the Gimme-ness of this season.

2/ When do you start buying presents? Do you do Black Friday?
I never do Black Friday. Never have, never will. Carlos and I will give each other some small gifts, then make a donation to our local shelter, Food For The Soul.
We have more than enough.

3/ Do you have a list or buy on the fly?
I have his one gift now. And I believe he has mine.

4/ Do you wrap your gifts? Are you a good wrapper?
I do love to wrap; how gay! Ribbons and bows and fluff and stuff.
Thank gawd for gift bags and tissue paper.

5/ Cash, debit or credit? Do you save ahead of time or pay it down after the holidays? Do you have a budget?
Cash. Everything is paid for well before Christmas.

6/ Do you get anything for your boss? How about people who do things for you throughout the year: your postal carrier, your garbage men, the person that cuts your hair?
We don’t do the boss gifts; our postal carrier is a different person nearly every day; we take our own garbage to the local recycling center; I cut my own hair and Carlos hasn’t been “styled” since March. It’s a rural life.

7/ Best present you ever received as a child? Who was it from? Worst present you received as a child? Who was it from?
Best, as a child: A bicycle of course. My dad had a ten-speed, and I would ride my little Schwinn, trying to keep up, so on Christmas day there was a card and some clues about the gift and when I tracked it down, I found my own ten-speed.

Worst, as a child: I was ten; my Aunt Darleen sent gifts for my brother, sister and I; Theirs were very age appropriate, but for some reason she sent me one of those toddler toys that you pull and it makes music. I WAS 10!!!!!!!! Although she never said anything, and neither did we, we assumed she mislabeled the gifts and some toddler in the family got a GI Joe or some such.

8/ Best present you ever received as an adult? Who was it from? And...Worst present you ever received as an adult? Who was it from?
Best, as an adult: I had purchased a copy of Vanity Fair with Cher on the cover and on Christmas day, Carlos gifted me with the cover framed. It was a nothing really gift, but the surprise and thought, and the fact that it was Cher, bitches, made it very sweet.
Worst, as an adult: Also from Carlos, and really not a bad gift because it spawned laughter for days. I had seen an episode of Will & Grace, where my alter ego, Karen Walker, was drinking coffee from a gorgeous cup that had legs, like a wee table. I told Carlos it was a must have, and unbeknownst to me he scoured the internet looking for a cup with legs until he found one. Christmas morning he warned me about the gift, saying there was a story behind it. I opened the box and inside was this beautiful cup and saucer, with the cup having legs like a wee table. It was the Karen Walked Cup …in miniature, smaller even than an espresso cup. We laughed all day about that one, and it sits proudly on a shelf in the kitchen.

9/ Best present you have ever given someone? Who was it? And...Worst present you have ever given someone? Who was it?
Best: Carlos loves Mame, starring Lucille Ball. I found an original movie poster and had it framed for him. Ut hangs at the end of our hallway to this day.
Worst: I would never! Though I probably have and just don’t know it!

10/ Have you ever done 'Secret Santa'? Best gift? Weirdest gift?
I have never done this, or gotten one. Is that odd?

Jimmy said...

My other half and I haven't exchanged gifts in over 25 years. All he wants is geeky stuff that I know nothing about. But, we are lucky enough to be able to purchase what we want and when we want. So Xmas is anytime, anywhere. With my family,it's a money exchange. I know, it's not very festive.

Mistress Maddie said...

I actually like to give more than receive if you can believe that!

Who's on your gift list this year? I never have a lot to get, and with not working now , it really cut back. I had three gifts to get , and with exception to one I knew moths ago knitted by Anne Marie herself, I only had to pick up two items.

When do you start buying presents? Do you do Black Friday. When a perfect gift jumps out and I know someone will love I get it then. I rarely shop after Black Friday in normal times. I try to enjoy the season and relax.

Do you wrap your gifts? Are you a good wrapper. Yes. Since I only ever have less then 10 I wrap them pretty.

I try and use cash or debt. No more credit card debt thank you.

I do leave something for the mailman. Had him for years. But only because I slept him. JUST KIDDING! Or am I?

Best present you ever received as an adult? Who was it from I don't know about the kid gift but the adult gift hands down was my trip last year from Daddy Warbucks with a trip to Vienna on the Orient Express. I will never forget that as long as I live. I did several post on that.

I have done secret Santa at work...but I'd rather be Naughty Santa!!!!!

Mistress Maddie said...

And when you talked of your Secret Santa, I once took a beautiful flask I got at Pottery Barn. You never seen such fighting for that fucking thing. When people asked did I use a flask, my reply was "Do I look like a drunk? Im a lady...I always use a glass."

The dead plant. LOL!!!!! Yes their is always someone in there that does the gaga gift.... or joke.

Xersex said...

what Santa Clauses!!!

SickoRicko said...

The older I've gotten the less I participate.

I love Barbra! I'd never heard that song before.

whkattk said...

No gift-giving this year... Family member in the hospital kind of knocked Christmas off the calendar for us.

But, I LOVE the Babs vid.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Love that Barbra song!
And let's see: I wanna sit on the lap of many of those Santa Claus. Damn.
So, in my list: very few people. I am not doing any parties, so I basically bought gifts for two people and nothing else. I did send some holiday cards to the people who sent me cards last year.
Don't do Black Friday, don't have a list or budget, always try to wrap the gifts I manage to give. It's fun!
I despise my boss with the fire of seven thousand suns, so no, nothing for that bitch. I have not seen her in person in months and I don't plan to. I am going to leave a gift card for the mail carrier. I left her candy for Halloween, too.
Best present? A bicycle. Worst? None. I've always liked my presents, then and now, believe it or not.
I think the best present I've given to someone is a Mac. It was refurbished, but he really liked it.
I have done secret Santa and one of the best is a little concrete pig in a trapeze I have in my garden.

Love your quizzes!



anne marie in philly said...


1 - spouse & 3 cats

2 - whenever I feel like it; black friday is BUY NOTHING DAY

3 - since we have everything we need, we only buy essentials

4 - I don't wrap but I am a good wrapper; SAVE A TREE, DON'T WRAP

5 - debit card

6 - currently unemployed; no to everyone

7 - every fucking xmess my "parents" never gave me what I asked for. a book from my grandparents was always appreciated.

8 - BEST - a poem from a now-deceased friend; WORST - being laid off from a job many years ago

9 - BEST - my heart to a now-deceased friend; WORST - regifting some shitty gift to an unaware adult

10 - have done "secret santa"; I have regifted unwanted items