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Friday, December 04, 2020

Friday Fun: Happy National Sock Day!

Friday Fun: 
Happy National Sock Day!

So, it's also National Cookie Day... and I could have tried to find pics of hot naked men eating or baking cookies...

But the gay in me told me that I'd have a much easier time finding pics of guys showing off their socks...

...and rocks.

This sock thing? This is a whole gay porn sub-genre. And I do understand the attraction.

But rather than feature the fetishists, I decided to concentrate on the objects of their erections.

So, here they are... in all their nylon and cotton glory.


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Have a wonderful weekend.
Get outside and get some oxygen!
Wishing you the very best!
- Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Big Socks - Bette Midler

Your Socks Don't Match - Louis Jordan 
w/ Bing Crosby


Bob said...

You gotta give props to the guy who matches his socks to his underwear AND to his tie!

whkattk said...

Ya gotta love Bette!!!
I know socks are a thing...and you've put together quite the collection here.

anne marie in philly said...

in keeping with the situation:

can a dick be considered a cookie today?

Mistress Maddie said...

I used to see a guy who liked me to just wear those striped tube socks when he would fuck me. I did it. But never understood the attraction. I myself never wear socks at all, the only time I wear socks, is dress socks with dress pants or a suit, or if I wear boots.

Jimmy said...

I just don't get it. Socks????? That's the last thing I'm looking at.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ohhh well, hello there.
I have to confess that white tube socks in a pair of nice legs do get my attention. That guy sitting on that trunk? Oh, yes.
Also, who knew that those little garter thingys were HAWT? I like a man in a full suit with his dick sticking out of his pants like the next gay, but I have to confess that those dress socks held up high do have a certain appeal. I'm off to Men at Work.
Happy Weekend!


FelchingPisser said...

There were socks in those pictures???