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Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday Fun: Happy National Mountain Day!

Friday Fun: Happy National Mountain Day!

I love these odd little holidays.

This one is actually about ecology - for our majestic mountains are in just as much trouble as the rest of our eco-system. And while we enjoy them to the max, climbing their heights, hiking their crevices, we need to be aware of our surroundings when doing so and help take care of them in order to ensure their future health.

Of course, when I first read about this celebration, I totally misread what it was about, as my mind immediately thought of another kind of mountin' - the kind my ass sorely misses in this age of covid-19.

And then that got me thinking about all the times in the past when I was fortunate enough to combine the two - a little mountin' on the mountain. So, those cherished memories are at the heart of the inspiration for today's photo essay.

Yes... climb every mountain, indeed!

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I can't believe the weekend is already here!
Have a lovely one. Get outside, if you can.
- Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Mountains - Prince

Just Like Paradise - David Lee Roth


Xersex said...

Fabulous pics!!!
and what men!!!

anne marie in philly said...

since it's mountain day, we should "mount" something. but, because we are responsible and are practicing social distancing, we must put off "mounting" someone for another day.

whkattk said...

OMG. Thank you for the trip down memory lane. I used to hike naked in the National park system here. It was always rather humbling, really. And running into another dude every so often...well, yeah, that too!

Jimmy said...

Does climbing from the floor to the bed at a Holiday Inn in Colorado count? I'm all about climate control.

whkattk said...

BTW, #'s 16, 48, 71, and 76 most closely resemble my experiences. With #17 thrown in for good measure. LOL

Mark Greene said...

Of course your dirty mind would think today is mountin' day. lol But I don't blame you.I feel your pain Bro! Ahh
This post does bring back memories. Not of mountain climbing but The Prince video brought me back to my teen years. I remember this video.Love his music. Hits, B-sides and music videos.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Ok, so this is how it's done.
Climbing that is. Some of these gentlemen would have me climbing THEM in no time.

And you add Prince to anything and it will make it 95% better.


Mistress Maddie said...

If my favorite resort the Woods Campground wasn't closed for the year, just think, I could have went up and celebrated the day!

You best get the boyfriend to give you a good mount my friend!!!!

SickoRicko said...

You really are a wordsmith. And a picturesmith.