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Saturday, December 19, 2020

Weekend Onesie: This, The Season of Want

Weekend Onesie: 
This, The Season of Want

This time of year, people are constantly asking me, "What do you want...".

I search my mind and struggle to come up with something... anything. Slippers. Thermal Socks. A Memory Stick. 

I feel the need to come up with something specific in order to avoid getting something 'unspecific'. 

I have drawers full of  'unspecific'. Future landfill, most likely, but for now, thanks to my need to please others, all those little treasures are snug and safe for the foreseeable  future.

The thing is... I don't 'need' any of that stuff. In fact, given that all my basic needs are currently being met and I am not much into 'owning stuff', there really isn't anything I want. 

Yet, here we are. 

This, the season of 'want'.

What drives it? The media? Social media? Celebrity worship? Our culture of consumerism and 'keeping up with the Jones'? Madison Avenue? Capitalism? 

We are trained at an early age to 'tell Santa what we want'. So, as adults, we are already pre-programmed to desire 'more'.

Well, this year... there are a lot of people and non-profit organizations who do not have wants... they have needs.

They need donations. Food, clothing, toys, cash... it all feeds the needs of those less fortunate. 

So, this year... keep in mind your favorite local charity and give a little something, if not of yourself, than from your food pantry or wallet. 

The Golden Valley Animal Humane Society is my non-profit of choice this year. I give every year, but this year, due to the cancellation of a number of their normal annual fundraising events because of the Covid-19 epidemic, they are hurting more than usual. 

Yes, I know; they are always asking for donations. They always have their hands out, wanting a donation.

This year is different.

When someone is truly hurting, that is when a want becomes a need. And if you want to be a part of, live up to, or truly experience this season? 

Then give. And give generously. 

Yes. That is all I really 'want' this holiday season.

--- --- 

Happy Holidays!
Enjoy this very special time of year.
Wishing you all the very best of all things. 
- uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Bless The Beasts And The Children
The Carpenters


Jimmy said...

TBH Upton,...I have given a lot of money (for me) this year to various candidates to beat T and the Rethugs. I am tapped out.

Bob said...

This is why this "season" annoys me.
Want. Want. Want.
I try to live by a simple rule of the Dalai Lama: we should WANT the things we HAVE, not HAVE the things we WANT.

I really want nothing, other than Peace on Earth. And I'm still waiting ....

anne marie in philly said...

I want for nothing material. I want an end to all MAGAts.

whkattk said...

We've given to the Dems this year - more than any other year. From Pete on through Joe and McGrath. But, moreover, we also support the Vets, the Police & Firemen's Fund, and Domestic Violence organizations. There are a couple of theatre companies we support, as well - they especially need our help to get through the lockdowns. So, absolutely, "Bless the Beasts and the Children."

Mistress Maddie said...

I block all that commercial shit out. Christmas is to me the decorating, the good foods and sweets and spending time with family and friends, and remembering those not here anymore.