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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Wonderland Burlesque's The 12 Days Before Xmas - Day Three - Max Headron

Wonderland Burlesque's 
The 12 Days Before Xmas - Day Three
Max Headroom

Today marks day number three of  Wonderland Burlesque's The 12 Days Before Xmas. The powers that be television actually gave Max Headroom his own 40-minute Xmas special: The Max Headroom Christmas Special. It premiered in the U.S. on December 18, 1986. In Britain, it debuted on Boxing Day, 1986 as Max Headroom's Giant Christmas Turkey (perhaps a more accurate title?). 

This song, Merry Christmas Santa Claus, pretty much sums up the whole debacle. In it, our disembodied, computer-generated friend manages to meld the concept of commercialized Santa with the story of the Nativity - because synthesis is at the very heart of the spirit behind the season and a very '80s concept - and ends up with something that is just as much of a mess as one would expect. 

Nothing says 'Have a Merry Little Xmas' more than a man who stutters and smiles while uttering the word 'colostomy'.

Merry Christmas Santa Clause - Max Headroom


Sixpence Notthewiser said...

What? I have never heard of this... wonder? I'm literally speechless....


Hot guys said...

Love me some Xmas! 💗🤍💗🤍