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Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Wonderland Burlesque's It's A Brand New Year Quiz

Wonderland Burlesque's 
It's A Brand New Year Quiz

Such a strange year to leave behind. Unlike any we have ever experienced. If the orange ogre hasn't given you PTSD by now, then surely the Covid-19 pandemic did. Traumatized, we look forward to 2021 with hope and with just a touch of well-grounded fear.

New Year's is such an odd holiday... with it's implied promise of new beginnings. The yearly media cycle of stories about making resolutions, keeping resolutions, giving up on resolutions... roll eyes, here. But the holiday doesn't need to be just about that. It has other things going for it..., umm, drinking?

So, tell me, dears... what's this holiday all about for you?

1/ Have you made any New Year's resolutions?

No. And I don't plan to. 

I have become a 'live in the moment' kind of guy. And even if that means staying firmly in my rut (I do love my rut), I still make all my decisions on the fly. 

I do have my share of hopes. I hope to get vaccinated. I hope to travel again. I hope to remain healthy. 

Otherwise, I plan on keep on keeping on! I already do a lot of the right things. I continue to validate my choices. Being a vegetarian is very important to me. Being an atheist is very important to me. I don't think either choice is for everyone. I like that I am getting more comfortable with my body (no matter its shape). I love being outdoors in spring, summer and fall and look forward to that more than ever in the coming year. I will continue to work out 4-6 days a week. I will continue to look for opportunities to help those around me and contribute to those causes that are important to me. I'll continue my creative pursuits - piano, writing, songwriting. And I am not afraid of imbalance... everything seems to take the attention and time as needed. I continue to hold close those that are mine to take care of. And I continue to plan my retirement. (Can't wait.) 

These days? I enjoy being a good steward for everything that has graced my life. 

I'm a lucky, myopic, self-centered, easily-frustrated, grateful mensch. 

2/ What would you have done differently this year?

I would have been kinder. I would have been a more gentle person. 

I wish I had more time to spend with the people who need someone to spend time with. I really only have three or four people who demand my time (other than work), and I sometimes feel like I short-shrift them. 

3/ What will you be doing differently in the coming year?

Hopefully, roll with the punches. Because those punches are coming. 

Things at my work place are changing dramatically, and within my business unit there is a possibility that something that wasn't supposed to happen in 2022 will be happening this year instead... which means I might me unemployed. There is that very real possibility.

And what would I do? 

Cross that bridge when we get to it, of course. Life is very navigable. Nothing black and white. Nothing do or die. Where you belong becomes apparent. Best thing you can do is trust and wait.

While it is important to prepare for the worst, it is also important not to allow fear to rule one's life. 

That said - I hope to be kinder. I hope to be more gentle - particularly with my ex.

As for my frustrations? Well, medication is always a possibility... but, having tried that route once (and it works... a little too well), it is not for me.

I do hope to write more. I hope I spend my time and energy wisely.

4/ Have you ever hosted a New Year's Eve party?

Gawd, no. 

I can't imagine. The expense. The fear that no one would show up. 

I don't see that happening any time soon. Even a small gathering. Blech. 

5/ Do you watch any of the New Year's Eve offerings on television? Dick Clark? Anderson 'Pooper'?

When I was a kid, babysitting, of course. Nothing memorable. In those days I was always thrilled to see a rock band or a pop sensation sing on television. It wasn't so commonplace back then. 

These days? Nope. Just a bunch of noise. 

I did watch Kathy Griffin one year... with Anderson 'Pooper'. That was fun, in bits and pieces. But, we all know how that ended. 

Stupid 'Pooper'.

6/ What do you spend New Year's Eve doing? What is your New Year's tradition? A toast? A clink of glasses? Eating a pizza all by yourself?

It had been awhile since I stayed up for the big countdown. Then we started a new tradition - going to my youngest sister's in Madison. She has this huge house and we have a great time - drinking, playing games, watching movies, going for walks. It's been just the four of us for the past seven years. We all manage to stay up for the big moment, counting it down by ourselves. We clink glasses and the hit the hay. 

These days? My party is only hardy until about 9:30 pm.

Before that... there was a long stretch when I ignored it. 

Before that... theatre people tend to give parties - I suspect in the hopes of creating new drama. So, that said (and learned) after a point, I began declining them. 

7/ Have you ever awkwardly kissed anyone at midnight on New Year's Eve?

When I lived in the Victorian with the lesbians, we threw a New Year's Eve party. I had a date who... well, we didn't know each other at all. He was very pretty and I was on eggshells around him, because I think he thought me rather beneath him. 

I remember Gloria Estefan singing. And the lesbians doing the countdown and then macking like no tomorrow. 

I looked at my date and could read his discomfort, so I gave him a stiffly received hug and whispered in his ear that I'd be happy to drive him home.

I did get a peck in the car when dropping him off, but I never saw him again. 

When I got back to the party, it had mellowed into quiet conversations, ballads and darkened lights. Our rather handsome, closeted next door neighbor made an awkward pass at me, which, to this day I kick myself for not following through on. But, no... instead I went upstairs, drew a bath and drank some bubbly in the tub while Neil Diamond sang a song from Les Misérables, cursing myself for wasting the evening with someone for whom I was so unsuited. 

And, yes... wondering why I was always found so unsuitable by others. What was wrong with me? 

It was the ultimate New Year's pity party.
8/ Have you ever gone out bar-hopping on New Year's Eve?

Just once. I was back in college and had just met the lesbians. It was one of the very few evenings where men I did not know sent drinks over to me. Always some comment about my smile. I spent the evening looking for someone to hook-up with, since that was the stated goal of the lesbians - to find me a boyfriend. 

I ended up seeing someone I used to work with at the video store. He tagged along as we got breakfast and I kept trying to imagine actually getting naked with him. However, contrary to the hopes of the lesbians, when we got back to their place, I called him a cab and slept alone. 

I did like the rush of the crowds and the drinking and dancing. Always go out with a couple of lesbians. They are great at getting the attention of bartenders.

9/ What is the fanciest party you have attended on New Year's Eve?

I had a pair of friends who married. He ended up making a great deal of money and they eventually owned this gigantic house in some posh suburban neighborhood. I never liked going there to visit. But one year, they went all out... a little trio playing jazzy versions of holiday tunes, catered everything, florid decorations, fireworks over the lake at midnight. I remember hiding a lot. Bathrooms, porches and basements are good spots. 

The wife had been an actress, so there were a number of theatre folk involved. Typically, a loud crowd, but in light of the affluence on display, everybody kept a cork in it. The husband had a number of business acquaintances in attendance so that kept all buttons buttoned. 

I just wanted to go home and go to bed. Which is exactly what I did, once I figured out how to make my escape... which was during the fireworks. 

10/ What do you spend New Year's Day doing?

These days? It's about playing games and eating and watching movies. 

So... like any other day? Except there's no work to get in the way. And it's always tinged with a bit of sadness, since it marks the end of the holidays. 

--- ---

Okay, that's enough from me. Your turn. Leave your answers in the comments section or answer the questions on your blog and leave a link here. 

Whatever you do this year, whatever your traditions? Enjoy. 

What Are You Doing New Years Eve? - Ella Fitzgerald

Same Old Lange Syne - Dan Fogelberg


Bob said...

1/ Have you made any New Year's resolutions?

No. I don’t usually, though if I were to make one it might fall along the lines of “stay alive.”

2/ What would you have done differently this year?

I don’t know that I would have done too much differently. Perhaps, if it was possible given that darn pandemic, travel more, see friends more.

3/ What will you be doing differently in the coming year?

Paying attention, staying alive, feeling hopeful.

4/ Have you ever hosted a New Year's Eve party?

Years back. Afterwards it fell into the category of “Did That” and so I never felt the need to do it gain!Gawd, no.

5/ Do you watch any of the New Year's Eve offerings on television? Dick Clark? Anderson 'Pooper'?

I do like Randy Andy Cooper, though I kinda loathe Andy Cohen.

6/ What do you spend New Year's Eve doing? What is your New Year's tradition? A toast? A clink of glasses? Eating a pizza all by yourself?

We always stay up, have a champagne toast and eat a little something with Black Eyed Peas for good luck … it’s a Southern thing. This year it’s Kale and Black Eyed Pea soup.

7/ Have you ever awkwardly kissed anyone at midnight on New Year's Eve?

I don’t think so. I am not one to toss around an indiscriminate kiss.

8/ Have you ever gone out bar-hopping on New Year's Eve?

Never. Drunks? Driving? Nope.

9/ What is the fanciest party you have attended on New Year's Eve?

I went to an art gallery NYE party in San Francisco years back when I lived there. Very chi-chi. Local celebs and some not-so-local celebs. Good time. Luckily I lived there, so it was a cab ride home.

10/ What do you spend New Year's Day doing?

Nice dinner, fun with the pets; Carlos.

Happy New Year to you!

anne marie in philly said...

1 - nah

2 - nothing; what could one do with a pandemic raging

3 - working less and reading more

4 - no

5 - no

6 - drinking wine, eating snax, listening to music

7 - no

8 - HELL NO!

9 - before my neighbors divorced, we would attend their NYE drink/eat fest. everyone brought a bottle & a dish to pass. there was music and laughter and a great time.

10 - sleeping in late, eating pork & sauerkraut & xmess pudding with brandy sauce

whkattk said...

1. Nope. And, won't.
2. Visited out-of-state friends.
3. Looking for property out of the country.
4. Yes. A few of them. But small guest lists.
5. Used to enjoy Anderson and Kathy. But since he dissed her and took up with Andy Cohen (who did Kathy even worse), we won't watch any more Anderson. Not even 360.
6. We stay in, watch a couple of movies. We toast, we kiss, he go to bed.
7. No...
8. Nope. Bar-hopping just has never been my thing.
9. Oh, Lordy! A major fundraiser. Black tie affair. One of the last things I attended before I retired my tuxedo.
10. Making phone calls to folks to wish them the best for the new year.

Mistress Maddie said...

Certainly was a year. Between the evil of politics, the rump disaster, the elections, Covid 19, the race riots, and the to many to mention weather disasters and now a bombing....could this be the new normal?????

I don't do resolutions and the only thing i did different this year was safe by myself as much as possible. I the passed years have a small intimate dinner and copious amounts of drinks at my place for about 6-9 close friends....but opted not to have this year since im at my mother's. I generally have four or five who're derv platters, with meats, cheeses meatballs? Nuts dried figs, chilled shrimp ...some much food and sides cars. Then right before the ball would drop we turn it on to see it...and then we generally all wish a happy New Year kiss, and all that.

We for years used to go out and dance out asses off. But after 20 some years of doing it who needs the crowds and waiting for drinking.after my first year hosting my sorieee everybody asked if i would do it again and the rest as been history.

The fancist party was a fancy dress up party I wore the heaviest floor length white lace and sequined and pearl dress...huge up do adored with white doves
And many jewels.. It was for 2000's Nye.
As years day I cook pork and sauerkraut dinner while the guest are collapsed all over and we ALWAYS watch the summers parade.

Sixpence Notthewiser said...

Oh gawd yes. PTSD is right!
And let's see: no resolutions. Because what this year taught me is that life/destiny/the goddess does what needs to be done to fuck up your plans. I would have been more flexible with some things/people on 2020. Which is what I'm planning on doing in 2021.
I have never hosted a NYE party. Too much work. I've been to tons, though, super fun. I don't watch the NYE parties on tv. And I also think that A. Cooper backstabbed Kathy. Love her.

And I have been thinking about what I'm going to do NYE! Looking for ideas. And yes, I've made out with people in the middle of the celebration. Once I made out with a friend's brother. It was awkward afterwards, cause I didn't find him particularly hot. That's why I usually went bar-hopping. Worst one was like four years ago, when I went out with people who really didn't want to be there. Shortest bar-hopping ever.

I've never been to a fancy NYE party. All of them have been super messy and fun. New Year's day is usually quiet and full of TV/movies, delicious leftovers and kind of wondering what's next. I also text everybody and their mother, because I have been so busy the night before that I have not even looked at my phone! LOL


SickoRicko said...

I stopped participating in this annual tradition years ago. Thank gawd, Jerry's okay with that.