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Friday, December 18, 2020

Wonderland Burlesque's The 12 Days Before Xmas - Day Six / The Kinks

Wonderland Burlesque's 
The 12 Days Before Xmas - Day Six
The Kinks

Ah, the sixth day before Xmas. Yes, we've hit the halfway mark in our countdown to the big day. And who do we have to entertain us? Why - it's none other than England's own sour-mashed curmudgeon, Ray Davies.  

Hear those cash registers ringing? Yes, it's Xmas and... The Kinks. 

Ray Davies and company take a red hot poker to the holidays, pointing out just how bloody commercial the season has become. Yes, Santa... save your toys for somebody else. These hoodlums only want money! 

Released in 1977, this song felt right at home given the political climate in England and the rise of punk music. 

And The Kinks? 

Well, crabby-apples aside...

...rock n' roll rarely gets better!

Father Christmas - The Kinks

1 comment:

anne marie in philly said...

another song not played as often.